This is for my girls from around the world.
On the New Moon, I am starting my new meditation, breathwork, movement and connection program for women called The Moon Girl.
Dates: 7 June – 8 July (1 Month)
Format: Two 30-miunte movement, meditation and breathwork classes a week (one morning and one evening), PLUS a weekly sharing circle.
Can’t make it? The classes (not the shares) will be recorded.
For 5 years, I have been teaching various styles of Yoga. However, I noticed that for me, most of the magic lies in the beginning and end of the class, when we get to tune inwards and hold space for is alive in us. I had always been self-conscious teaching meditation in my classes though: most people come to a yoga class with the intention to stretch and move.
Originally, yoga was meant to be a meditation practice. Physical movement was added only to prepare your mind and body for meditation.
In my new course, I’m stripping it back to basics. We will move and breathe in order to meditate.
All of us have heard about the benefits of REGULAR meditation (it’s like taking vitamin pills, doesn’t really work as a one-off). Just in case, let me remind you about just a few:
- It can give you a sense of calm and peace that might benefit your overall health and well-being;
- It increases the gap between stimuli and your reaction. You will be less prone to acting on your emotions;
- You can become better at recognising your own emotions, and not just the ‘big’ ones;
- You can become more sensitive to the voice of your intuition because it often speaks through the body;
- It helps you understand yourself and others better;
- It’s an amazing self-regulation tool;
- Remember that time of the month when everything feels like doom and gloom? Meditation helps question this narrative, too.
The list goes ON. Meditation is a game-changer. Most importantly, by rewiring our brains, we can create new patterns, new habits and new life. We meditate to slow down the brain waves and get beyond the thinking, analytical mind. And this is where the magic happens.
And for that, you don’t have to sit cross-legged for hours. You don’t even have to sit cross-legged. Sitting on a chair or a couch with your back straight and supported will do just fine.
I am here to help you develop a simple and sustainable meditation practice. We’ll explore various types of meditation, so after the course you will have a toolbox of self-care practices that work for you. We will also explore simple breathing techniques that will help you calm your mind and become more present.
In my yoga and exercise classes, I often notice students breathing through their mouth. Gosh, if I’m not mindful of that, my own breath gets shallow. I developed the habit of shallow breathing because of my traumatic childhood (my 3F response is Freeze, and shallow breathing is, essentially, playing dead in the face of danger. Only, to an anxious mind, anything and everything represents danger). But shallow breathing is not only caused by anxiety, it also causes anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle. If shallow breathing becomes chronic, it could impact the oxygen levels in your bloodstream.
The good news is deepening your breathing can also help combat anxiety, and bring you the sense of calm and control. It decreases stress, improves immunity, detoxifies the body and provide you with a greater sense of clarity. In our classes, we will explore simple breathing techniques, which you will be able to add to your self-care toolkit.
The best thing about breath is that it’s literally under your nose, it’s always available for you when you need it. My waiting times at the dentist’s office and Ryanair economy class experiences have been reinvented since I injected breathwork into them.
There is so much wrong with the world now, I don’t even know where to begin. There is a strong need to heal individually and collectively, and everyone should be doing their bit. As women, we can heal ourselves in many ways. Just like our bodies heal themselves after injuries, childbirth and even our monthly cycle, our hearts can heal, too.
One of the ways to heal for women is sitting with other women and feeling connected.
In a better world, we would have gotten together to embroider or knit, to ‘stitch and b*tch’. In a better world, we would have danced around the fire in the woods. In a better world, we would have gathered in a red tent on the first day of our cycle, drink tea and wine, eat fruit, massage each other’s shoulders and rest.
In the real world, we just have to ‘get on with it’. The feeling of disconnectedness is real.
My heart is yearning for sitting in a circle with my sisters.
What happens when we rant about something to our friends or partners?
I’ve noticed three types of reaction:
- Trying to fix you: offering solutions, giving advice. It always comes from a good place, and it’s completely normal. My partner even told me: “When you’re telling me something, I assume that you need my help”. But quite often, I don’t. I just want to be seen and heard, the way I am.
- Relating to their own experience. Another common social thing, completely normal because humans are just wired this way.
- Waiting for their turn to speak.
Even in the best of conversations, we only listen with 50% of our attention AT BEST – the other 50 is thinking what to say next.
I want to challenge that with my little circle.
In a women’s circle, you will be able to:
- Speak from your heart without being judged or fixed;
- Be heard, seen and witnessed with full attention.
- Feel “enough” just as you are, no matter how much, how little or what you share.
If you don’t feel like sharing, there’s no pressure to do that. Even just sitting in the virtual circle with other women will be medicinal. You can still feel seen and supported.
IMPORTANT: The first rule of the Women’s Circle is that everything we share stays in the women’s circle. We are not talking about other people’s shares, not even to our besties or our partners. It’s a completely confidential judgement-free space.
Schedule (UK time):
Tuesday 6 PM: Movement, breathwork, meditation.
Friday 8:30 AM: Movement, breathwork, meditation
Monday 7 PM: Sharing circle
What to expect:
5 min – ‘tuning in’, introducing the theme of the class,
15 min – yoga-based movement plus breathwork
5-10 min – meditation
Optional: journaling
This time, and this time only, for the whole month of this goodness, I’ll be charging only £25.
Please PAY HERE and message me on 07999711008, I will send you the zoom link.
First meditation (Friday, June 7) is FREE – try before you buy! (again, message me for the link).
If you have any questions at all, please message or email me.
See you in the circle!